"Putting Social Studies in its Place: Using GIS to Enhance the Social Studies Classroom" 

Read more: https://www.socialstudies.org/get-involved/2015-grant-enhancement-geographic-literacy

The grant-winning ‘Putting Social Studies in its Place: Using GIS to Enhance the Social Studies Classroom’ proposal from the Virginia Geographic Alliance and Charlottesville City Schools envisioned enhancing the geographic literacy of teachers and students at the classroom, district, and statewide levels by developing and implementing a 5-week online course focused on incorporating GIS in the social studies classroom. Project Team included Chris Bunin – Virginia Geographic Alliance, Albemarle High School and Piedmont Virginia Community College; Sarah Glova – President and Owner, Reify Media; Andy Mink –President and Founder – Mink’ED; www.minked.org; Julie Stavitski – Virginia Geographic Alliance, Jack Jouett Middle School, Charlottesville VA


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