Women Transforming Technology (WT2) Virtual Conference
Reframing for Resilience: Fighting the forces that impede our work, stifle our creativity, or keep us from starting in the first place—through a virtual reframing exercise
Women Transforming Technology (WT2)
Virtual Conference
May 4, 2021
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkLekiiwkY&feature=youtu.be
Description: In this interactive exercise, the ‘Two Sarahs’ introduce models for reframing that can be adapted for the unique needs of women in tech. When navigating a male-dominated field, when credentials are often and unfairly called into question, when women are disproportionately responsible for children and elder care and online schooling, and when there are too few women leaders in leadership roles… resilience is a must-have skill.
But the way someone shows resilience is as distinctive as a fingerprint. Your individual ability to persevere through challenges and to demonstrate toughness is as unique as you are.
Through this workshop, participants practice reframing for resilience. This strategy calls on our individual strengths and experiences - for dealing with the forces that impede our work, stifle our creativity, or keep us from starting in the first place.
Speakers: Sarah Egan Warren, NC State University, Asst Professor; Sarah Glova, Reify Media, CEO