Rebel Calendars: How to communicate “No” clearly and use calendar blocks to create the life you want
A frequent theme in our 8&21 newsletters is SAYING NO. I like to think of it as rebellious calendaring. Being more rebellious with your calendar — scheduling blocks of time to think, protecting your availability to protect your energy, and saying no to opportunities that aren’t a perfect fit — is a way to protect your ability to say YES to things that will be a better fit.
But it’s not all about optimizing — it’s not all about saying no to be “efficient”. Yes, being more efficient with your calendar is important. But it's not just about being efficient!
We want to thrive, not just survive. So it’s also about making sure your calendar reflects the days, weeks, months, and years that you WANT to have.
There are two big tricks to this: Saying No and Calendar Blocking.
Communication Skill: Saying No to Say Yes
One of the most difficult things to do is to say no when someone asks you to do something — especially if that person is in a position of authority, or if it’s an opportunity that could potentially be beneficial.
When you find yourself in this situation, here are a few tips for saying no:
- Acknowledge the request. Thank the person for thinking of you.
- Be clear. Don't say "maybe" if you mean "no."
- Offer an alternative solution. If you can’t do it, is there someone else who can?
- Keep it short and sweet. The less you explain yourself, the better.
Saying no is a skill that takes practice, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier and easier. And the more you say no to things that don't fit, the more you can say yes to the things that do.
Communication Tip: Calendar Blocking to Protect Your Energy
The point of calendar blocking is to make sure your calendar reflects the life you want to live.
That might mean scheduling time for your side hustle, or for spending time with family and friends. It might mean blocking out time each day to work on a passion project, or taking a mini-vacation after completing a big milestone.
From Susie Bright, recipient of the 2017 Humanist Feminist Award: "You have to calendar time for yourself, even if you have no idea what you're going to do with it."
If you want more tips about using your communication skills to set boundaries at work – then sign up for our 3-minute newsletter, 8&21. We send 8&21 twice a month, on the 8th and 21st, and each inspiring issue can be read in three minutes or less.
Looking for a presenter who can bring communication skills to life? Learn more about Sarah Glova, a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator who’s described as “more energetic than a cup of coffee,” and who’s passionate about helping audiences learn practical ways to improve their communication at work. Learn more at