Training session at the Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC)

Training session at the Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC)

Audience and Presentation Design presentation

Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC) - Raleigh, NC

In this two-part workshop series, Dr. Sarah Glova and the team at Reify Media facilitated advanced workshop sessions about audience analysis, written and oral communication, presentation strategy with the team at EDPNC. The interactive, hands-on sessions invited the EDPNC team to consider new ways to adapt their messaging and presentation design to their target audience.

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PechaKucha Night

PechaKucha Night

20 College Students: The Good, the Not-So-Good, and the Downright Ugly 

PechaKucha Night - Raleigh, NC

What kinds of students do you meet in a college classroom? Instructors Sarah Glova and Sarah Egan Warren share a lighthearted presentation about the 20 kinds of students they meet in college classrooms. Pecha Kucha is a short presentation composed of 20 images that are displayed for 20 seconds each. The result is 6 minutes and 40 seconds of a story at a fast but engaging pace. And because the slides are strictly images without any distracting text, the story takes center stage.

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TAtv, NC State University

TAtv, NC State University

Co-Host - TAtv, North Carolina State University


The Graduate School, North Carolina State University


Sarah Glova co-created and co-hosted a series of professional development videos for TAs, focusing on the soft skills like communication, time management, and conflict resolution that can help TAs manage their first semesters teaching in a college classroom.

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