The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project
Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project

Description: The authentic story of the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the painful lessons learned along the way, and ultimately, the success story of how I pivoted after failure and carved my own path forward.

In this talk, we focus on failure - the lessons we can learn from it, and the stories we can tell ourselves when we’re in it. I also share my personal story - how I started my self-funded company, grew it to half a million in annual revenue in only three years, then almost lost everything.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation

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Diversity & Inclusion Sarah Glova Diversity & Inclusion Sarah Glova

The Ally Strategy: How to Include, Empower, and Ignite Allies

Description: How can YOU as a leader help others feel comfortable to stand up, speak up, and be counted as an ally? Learn new strategies for recruiting and empowering allies, with the goal of a safe, engaged culture. Help everyone in your organization feel comfortable using their voice to stand up for others.

Formats offered: Keynote; Short presentation; Facilitated panel discussion

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