Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Art and Practice of Resilience: A Guide for Students

Focus areas: Resilience isn’t something you have—it’s something you grow. This empowering session combines storytelling, neuroscience, and proven leadership strategies to help students grow their own resilience plan, which includes methods for intention and practice going forward. In this exploratory session, students will have a chance to consider what resilience means in their lives—and what skills they already have that can help them to be resilient during difficult times.

Formats offered: Keynote, Workshop

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Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

Forget the “Grind”: Let’s talk about fortitude

Focus areas: The “hustle and grind” culture prioritizes work over all things and sees work as facetime and hours spent. But does it work? Are those who are burning the candle at both ends really more successful? This talk is a review of where we are now and a dream for where we could be instead — a look at the current effects of hustle culture and a vision for what could be better, with real strategies that help us prioritize wellness (and research to help show why this works).

Formats offered: Keynote, Short Presentation

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Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Art and Practice of Resilience

Focus areas: Resilience isn’t something you have—it’s something you grow. This empowering session combines storytelling, neuroscience, and proven leadership strategies to help participants grow their own resilience plan, which includes methods for intention and practice going forward. In this exploratory session, participants will have a chance to consider what resilience means in their lives—and what skills they already have that can help them to be resilient during difficult times.

Formats offered: Keynote, Workshop

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The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project
Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project

Description: The authentic story of the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the painful lessons learned along the way, and ultimately, the success story of how I pivoted after failure and carved my own path forward.

In this talk, we focus on failure - the lessons we can learn from it, and the stories we can tell ourselves when we’re in it. I also share my personal story - how I started my self-funded company, grew it to half a million in annual revenue in only three years, then almost lost everything.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation

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