Innovation & Future Thinking Sarah Glova Innovation & Future Thinking Sarah Glova

The Next Disruption: An Exclusive Sneak Peek at the Technology of the Future

Topics covered: Cutting-edge preview of the tech trends shaping the future, based on the latest insider conversations and tech trends reports; Thought leadership about how these tech trends will impact the audience sooner than they think; Relevant research into digital transformation, innovation, and disruption

Formats offered: Keynote; Short presentation; Facilitated panel discussion

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Communication Workshops Sarah Glova Communication Workshops Sarah Glova

Curating a Professional Online Presence with Social Media

Remember: The time to build your network is not when you need your network!

Description: Not only can a professional online persona help connect you with your professional goals (from internship hunting to job placement), but it can also help you collaborate with those in and outside of your field, stay in touch with students and professors, learn about conference and presentation opportunities, and more.

Whether you’re pursuing academia, industry, or public service, social media can be a valuable tool. You can harness social media’s networking power—without spending too much time and energy—to launch with your career and research goals.

Formats offered: Training session, workshop

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Communication Workshops Sarah Glova Communication Workshops Sarah Glova

Report Writing | Proposal Writing

Focus areas: How to write professional reports | Research to show that anyone can be a strong writer | Secrets to the writing process | Fundamentals of the writing process | Report structure or Proposal Structure | Tips for writing high-quality reports or proposals | How to write and edit reports, proposals, and technical documents

Formats offered: Training session, workshop

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Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Art and Practice of Resilience: A Guide for Students

Focus areas: Resilience isn’t something you have—it’s something you grow. This empowering session combines storytelling, neuroscience, and proven leadership strategies to help students grow their own resilience plan, which includes methods for intention and practice going forward. In this exploratory session, students will have a chance to consider what resilience means in their lives—and what skills they already have that can help them to be resilient during difficult times.

Formats offered: Keynote, Workshop

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Teaching / Learning Sarah Glova Teaching / Learning Sarah Glova

Social Media Gets Collegiate: Tweeting and Tagging Your Way to Student Engagement

Description: Faculty consider new strategies, best practices, pedagogy-first approaches, benefits and challenges, and next steps regarding social media integration within postsecondary educational settings. Goal is to share ideas for enlarging the conversation of course topics, beyond the confines of the classrooms—ways to easily bringing in experts or following experts to add to the class discussions and understanding. Examples focus on how social media can improve student engagement and content retention, and strategies focus on manageable ways for faculty of all technology comfort levels to integrate social media. The workshop focuses on the mainstream tools (including Twitter and LinkedIn) but also briefly discusses brand-new tools.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation, training session, workshop

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How Do We Learn?

(Can be adapted to suit faculty groups or student groups)

Focus areas: How do adults learn? What are the key differences between learning and studying strategies for high school students and undergraduates? How should learning strategies change when they’re applied to adults (rather than to kids)? A review of the key strategies in adult learning research, plus an overview for how faculty can apply the principles of adult learning theory in their classes — or an overview of how students can apply best practices in learning to their studies.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation, training session, workshop

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Teaching / Learning Sarah Glova Teaching / Learning Sarah Glova

Technology and Teaching: Strategies for easier integration and improved student engagement

Description: In this interactive workshop, participants experiment with new tools while considering the theory and best practices supporting successful technology integration in in-person, hybrid, and online courses. Participants will learn more about how IT integration theory informs pedagogy while they practice using new educational technology tools to improve student learning and engagement.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation, training session, workshop

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Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

Forget the “Grind”: Let’s talk about fortitude

Focus areas: The “hustle and grind” culture prioritizes work over all things and sees work as facetime and hours spent. But does it work? Are those who are burning the candle at both ends really more successful? This talk is a review of where we are now and a dream for where we could be instead — a look at the current effects of hustle culture and a vision for what could be better, with real strategies that help us prioritize wellness (and research to help show why this works).

Formats offered: Keynote, Short Presentation

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The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project
Resilience Sarah Glova Resilience Sarah Glova

The Failure that Saved My Business: How my lessons-learned could save your next project

Description: The authentic story of the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, the painful lessons learned along the way, and ultimately, the success story of how I pivoted after failure and carved my own path forward.

In this talk, we focus on failure - the lessons we can learn from it, and the stories we can tell ourselves when we’re in it. I also share my personal story - how I started my self-funded company, grew it to half a million in annual revenue in only three years, then almost lost everything.

Formats offered: Keynote, short presentation

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